Tuesday, October 6, 2009


danny and i have developed a way in which we can help dane sleep through the night. it's called "turn the fan on high and close the door". well, it really works because he has been "sleeping through the night" for a little while now. this morning, however, i wake up feeling like something is wrong. it feels like i overslept. it feels like 8:00 rather than the usual 6:45. i turn off the fan and sure enough i hear dane crying. he's crying his "i really mean it, i am very upset" cry which is a closed mouth "mmmmmmmm" "mmmmmmmm" gasp "mmmmmmm", etc...
it was actually 8:15. yikes. poor baby. i nursed him and he fell asleep on the boob which he hasn't done since infancy and is continuing to sleep even now...at 9:10. 
must remember to keep door open.